Former Navy SEAL Holden Stanford gave up the only woman he ever loved so she could have the family she wanted. And she’d found it—with one of his teammates. A betrayal that cut so deep that, years later, it still bled. But his sacrifice was all for naught—the one thing he never wanted for her happened—she lost her husband on the battlefield. Now she's back. In his life, in his space, and opening old wounds. The mere sight of her destroyed him, but seeing her daughter—excruciating. The little girl was a living reminder of everything they lost. The one thing he could never get over.
Charleigh Towler understood how one decision could change the trajectory of life. One night, too much alcohol and overwhelming hurt led her to make a bad decision. One she couldn’t regret because out of that she made her daughter. But it had forever altered her path. For years she’d paid for her perceived mistake until the man she’d never stopped loving was almost killed and she reevaluated her life. She was done allowing Holden Stanford to hide. Never one to dally, she packed up her life and moved to Maryland to do something she should’ve done years ago—fight for the man she loved.
Close to getting everything they should’ve always had, Charleigh’s life is thrown off its path again—only this time it’s her daughter’s life that hangs in the balance.